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Welcome to Parhelion Wiki!

Earth, 2270CE:

What would you do if the world you knew crumbled away? how would mankind cope in the face of climate change? nuclear war? the advent of space exploration?

And what if man, through all of this, survived? what then? What direction would he move towards? What new discoveries or breakthroughs would he man? And most of all, would mankind continue to survive as it always did — or yield itself up to a technological singularity?

Parhelion is one such scenario. And perhaps, it is in Parhelion that one will find the answers.

What is Parhelion?

Parhelion is a sci-fi based universe based on the backstory of "A Wrong Turn", a mod originally created for Rise of Nations by RoXXCorp. I was one of the few who worked on that mod and am in the process of working on two major projects, namely:

Generally, the premise is this:

  • An alternate version of World War 1 takes place, resulting in the formation of 8 supra-national polities that dominate the entire world.
  • One of these supra-national polities (Vidalia) foments uprising, resulting in a vast militarised communist superpower dominating the area of South America and the former USSR, which unfortunately also sparks a global conflict by 1984.
  • The survivors of the war have since then moved on. One of the continues to colonise Asia and Africa against all odds, but the others have since then moved on into space.

Without further ado, feel free to explore!

The major factions



Imp auroral.png




Gmv salv.png

de Salviatia

Confed vidal.png

Confederación de

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